If you've ever wondered what you're truly capable of – what hidden powers lie dormant inside you – then it's time to unlock your higher awareness!
Join energy healer Jeffrey Allen on a 60-day Mindvalley Quest of self-discovery. In just 15 minutes/day, you will experience aspects of yourself that you never knew existed, cultivate awareness that few people develop in a lifetime, and discover a deeper & more powerful you.
It's time to discover what you can really do!
Unlocking Transcendence training lets you experience the world through higher awareness. You will increase your spiritual abilities in ways that didn’t know were possible – giving you powerful new insights into yourself as a spiritual being.
In this program you'll discover how to...
Feel empowered and aware that you are co-creating your life
Feel calm, present, accepting and abundant
Be organized and clear, learn quickly and adapt easily
Live a relaxing peaceful life, even when there are challenges
Feeling expressive, compassionate, humble and deeply understanding
Feel calm, authentic, more purposeful & satisfied with life
"I have become so tuned in and it feels amazing in a serene way. I now "see" so clearly things and situations around me and on my way. Creative ideas for progress and solutions have been streaming through me for my family, my friends and the grassroots movement I am in."
12 key spiritual abilities which lead to sustained higher awareness in your life.
First step in discovering your “self” independent from your thoughts, emotions & body. Experiential “proof” that you are more than your body/mind/emotions.
Low Awareness...
Spacey, hard to focus, tend to repeat the same experiences
Higher Awareness...
Present, observing your experience, can think “outside the box”.
Happiness, contentment, and fulfillment are found in the present – not the past or future.
Low Awareness...
Depressed, feel stuck, low will to live (too much past). Anxious, distracted, ineffective, always chasing (too much future).
Higher Awareness...
Calm, relaxed, focused, present in the moment, highly attractive.
Having a poor relationship with your body is incredibly distracting. Thoughts like “Why am I big/small/short/tall/etc.?” take away from the pure joy of having a physical body.
Low Awareness...
Less coordinated, judgmental of your body and other people.
Higher Awareness...
Athletic and coordinated, enjoying your body, accepting rather than judgmental.
Experiencing energy-awareness first hand shatters the illusion that we live in a merely physical world. Breaking this illusion is required to move beyond scarcity (the belief that everything is physical) into abundance (the belief that everything is energy).
Low Awareness...
Stuck in scarcity, life is full of effort, not getting the breaks.
Higher Awareness...
Life is abundant, full of synchronicity and ease, tapping your hidden super powers.
If you can’t tame your own mind, you’ll have little success gaining or sustaining higher awareness.
Low Awareness...
Runaway or obsessive thoughts, easily agitated.
Higher Awareness...
Organized mind, clear thinking, present with others.
Listening to what’s happening around you is key to succeeding easily in the world.
Low Awareness...
Take the difficult road in life with many disappointments and let downs.
Higher Awareness...
Take the easy road in life, be in the right place at the right time with synchronicity.
Living without Intuition is like driving without a GPS. Intuition takes the stress and guesswork out of life.
Low Awareness...
Stress while making decisions. Frustrated by needless mistakes, slow progress, and missed opportunities.
Higher Awareness...
Clear relaxed decisions, quick progress, amazing synchronicity, flow and abundance, living beyond your dreams.
Knowing that you’re never truly alone in the world is the surest way to find happiness.
Low Awareness...
Feel separate, lonely, disconnected, overly competitive, greedy, lacking.
Higher Awareness...
Feel connected, peaceful & enthusiastic, generous & abundant.
Emotions can bring your deepest joy or biggest frustration. Uncontrolled emotion can instantly sour relationships – personal & business.
Low Awareness...
Recurring guilt or emotional dramas, difficulty controlling or communicating emotions.
Higher Awareness...
Honest, non-judgmental, guilt-free. Feeling alive and enjoying your emotions.
Having your sovereignty requires that you understand which emotions are yours and which are from someone else.
Low Awareness...
Overwhelmed, misunderstood, exhausted at end of day, overly sensitive, want to protect yourself, struggle in crowds.
Higher Awareness...
Easy to understand people deeply. People trust you & feel connected with you. Easy to adapt to new situations. Fit in easily in a crowd.
Leading a meaningful life requires impacting others positively & reducing conflict or negative impact on others.
Low Awareness...
Unfulfilled, bored, feel like you don’t matter. Jealous of other people’s success.
Higher Awareness...
Deep fulfilling sense that you are impacting others. Easily step into new opportunities.
With current technology, we have a much greater impact than before. Your awareness determines if you use this to create harmony or cause confusion.
Low Awareness...
Driven by ego and appearance. Either hiding and playing small or showing off and playing big.
Higher Awareness...
Driven by helping others. Calm and authentic. Living a purposeful, satisfying, impactful life.
Finding your tribe is key if you want to joyfully maximize your positive impact in the world.
Low Awareness...
Feel overwhelmed & competitive. Overworked from doing it all yourself. Not achieving your potential impact.
Higher Awareness...
Creating a better world through highly impactful work and powerful, fun collaboration with others.
"I am very grateful for your teachings, guidance, sense of humor, easy going and care free spirit. I love the idea of having fun while raising my energy, it doesn't have to be serious! Muchas gracias Jeffrey , you are changing my life for the better :-)"
When your awareness is high, you operate at your best. You learn easily and quickly absorb new information, and you know how to apply it effectively in your daily life. It’s like “being in great shape” for your spirit.
We're all experiencing this global change. Spirituality is becoming less institutional and more personal. We are integrating spirituality into our all aspects of our lives without needing to adhere to specific beliefs or traditions.
We are each taking personal responsibility for living happier healthier lives.
Taking care of your spiritual health helps you live more gracefully, reduce frustration and conflict, and helps you attract and embrace more positive opportunities.
Unlocking Transcendence helps you become the most powerful version of you – which feels great and positively influences everyone in your life.
Higher Awareness affects all areas of your life: physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It affects how you live your life, how you experience yourself, and how you impact those around you.
"I have had many successes in this program. It has expanded by awareness beyond what I could have imagined on my own. I feel like I am a baby with these new tools and I want to keep working with this program to help it integrate and become natural for me."
Jeffrey Allen has 2 popular programs with Mindvalley Academy – Duality energy training, and Unlocking Transcendence awareness training. What's the difference?
Duality is an 8-week online training to help you deeply understand how your energy body functions and how to work with energy for self-healing, communication, and manifesting. Each week of Duality includes up to 2 hours of video training - an amazing amount of information (students have been known to repeat the class several times, receiving deeper information each time). It also includes guided meditations and real-world exercises and applications.
If you want to treat your mind and learn deeply about energy, Duality is the course for you.
Unlocking Transcendence is a 60-day online training to help you deeply experience yourself through higher consciousness – stretching your awareness in ways that didn’t know were possible and giving you a new perspective of yourself as a Spirit.
Unlocking Transcendence trains you through experience & activation rather than information – allowing you to draw your own conclusions as you engage your higher awareness. You receive a new 10-15 minute video or audio every day for 60 days.
If you want to understand your true nature as a spirit, Unlocking Transcendence is the course for you.
Both courses will deeply affect your perception of yourself and change how you live your life. They complement each other and can be taken in either order. All training materials are yours to keep, so you can easily repeat the training or watch at any pace you like.
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