How can I talk to my Spirit Guides?

Did you know you were born with a pre-paid, life-time subscription to the most accurate and insightful life coaches ever? I’m talking about your personal spirit guides. They are always available, amazingly powerful, know you better than you know yourself, and are excited to help you.

Learning to hear your Spirit Guides is a little like learning to walk as a child.

All that's really required to learn to walk is that you keep trying. Your built in reflexes will automatically take you step by step (no pun intended) from rolling to crawling to standing to stumbling to walking. There are muscles to strengthen and coordination to build. It takes time. But you don't need instructions. They are built in - you got the instructions when you were born. Just keep trying, and you'll naturally pick it up.

Keep in mind that, like learning to walk, it may take longer than you want to hear your Guides. Getting frustrated will only make it take longer. So, enjoy the journey! Get excited when you hear something, get a clear message, feel your Guide's presence, or see light showing an answer to you. Perhaps you've just learned to crawl! How exciting!

If you only try to talk to your Guides once or twice, don't hear anything back, then declare yourself a failure and decide that you can't do it, well.... that's a bit like standing up your newborn child and being disappointed when they don't walk across the room. It's just silly.

Be patient! Have fun along the way. If you keep at it, you will learn. And when you do, you'll forget any frustration encountered along the way.

If you're not hearing your guides yet, it just means you're only part way along that journey. Keep going! The only way to not get there is to stop trying.

What do Guides sound like?

Your guides can hear and see you, even if you are completely unaware of them. Just talk to them like they're your good friends and advisors.

"Hey Guides - I could use a little help here. I'm trying to decide which is the best choice for me. Can you give me a hint?"

After you get the hang of it, they'll just talk back.

"Sure Jeff. We recommend you take a little break and not make a choice at all right now. That's why you're having a hard time deciding - your timing is off. Check again in 2 weeks. It'll all be clear then.

By the way, didn't you just say that in class last week? Did you think we were talking only to your students? (guides chuckling)"

Yeah - Spirit Guides can be a little cheeky like that. They are serious about helping you, but don't usually take themselves or you too seriously. I've been talking to my Spirit Guides for over a decade, and the conversation invariably starts the same way.

Me: "Hey Guides - are you there?" Guides: "We're always here." Me: "Oh yeah :-)"

By poking fun at me a bit, they always make me smile, and set the tone for a fun, light conversation. Which is perfect, because when I ask for their help, I'm usually feeling serious about something.

How do I know if I'm hearing my Guides?

Messages from your guides are often funny, usually a bit surprising, and always insightful. They are always supportive and honest - not judgmental, pushy, or negative.

If you're hearing messages like...

"Take choice A! Or else!" or "Why are you such an idiot? Take choice B" or "It doesn't matter. You'll fail either way." or "That's a stupid question."

... these messages are not coming from your Spirit Guides. That's likely just your pain talking. Just imagine you are turning the dial - tuning your radio to a different station. Keep trying until you get a better station. No one is forcing you to listen to that boring, old, negative channel.

Messages from your Guides are kind and helpful, however they are not always what you want to hear. Remember, your Guides are honest - which can be painful at times. And, they are helpful - which means giving you a little kick in the butt sometimes.

I've even had arguments with my Guides - when I didn't like what they told me and didn't want to follow their advice. I might ask for different solutions and different answers, yet they keep giving the same "unwanted" advice. Sometimes, it's only after I reluctantly follow their advice that I see the wisdom in it.

But, honestly, they've been right every time, regardless of my resistance or different opinion. And, even when they tell me something I don't like, it's always delivered in a caring, loving way.

Over time, I've learned to welcome the difficult guidance with less resistance. It always means I'm getting ready to break free from an old pattern. Which feels great once I've actually broken free!   

Six Tips for Communicating with your Spirit Guides

Tip 1. Be open to answers in any form.

Your Spirit Guides are very clever, and they know you better than you know yourself. Even if you can't hear them, they will find a way to get through to you, if you let them.

It might be a "thought", or a dream, or an inspired answer coming through your friend. Your attention might be drawn to words on a sign or to a specific article or book. You might overhear a conversation and get your answer. Maybe you'll see light around someone who can help you.

If something seems a little funny - like there's a glitch in the Matrix - pay attention. You are likely right next to your answer, and all you need to do is think about your question to find your answer.

Tip 2. Validate your prior success.

Think back to the times in your life where you already made remarkably good choices, where you succeeded in unlikely circumstances. In these times, you were following your guidance superbly.

Maybe you thought it was your excellent brain that resulted in your success, but did you ever wonder where your brain got all those great insights and answers?

Tip 3. Try following your guidance, even if you're unsure.

When I was learning, I would ask my Guides for traffic assistance. It was a fun game with quick, tangible results. I would ask

"Of the many ways to drive to work, which is the fastest today?"

Sometimes I would hear a street name. Sometimes I would see light around a highway exit, or just feel compelled to turn a certain way.

Oftentimes, I was unsure if I was really getting guidance. I wondered if I was making it up. Yet, I followed it anyway. More often than not, I was validated with an easy ride to work, and often I would see traffic backed up on the other possible routes.

Having a way to measure the results made my guidance more real to me.

Tip 4. Try consciously not following your guidance.

It may sound funny, but consciously not following your guidance can provide great validation too!

With my "traffic guidance" experiment, I would sometimes intentionally not go the way I was guided. These choices took me into stand still traffic, road-side accidents, unusual road closures, and other unexpected delays.

For me, this was just as validating, as I could clearly see that my guidance was indeed making a difference. Seeing the alternatives encouraged me to follow my guidance even more.

Obviously, I only recommend this approach for situations where a little difficulty or delay is acceptable for you.

Tip 5. Relax and have fun!

Don't expect yourself to get it perfect right away. You are learning, and you going to make mistakes. Sometimes, you will make up your answers or just hear what you want to hear. That's ok. Only with practice can you learn the difference.

Even when you are getting clear guidance, there are times where you will be surprised or disappointed by the initial results. Occasionally, I would think...

"I heard my guidance clearly, and I followed it. So, why did I end up in this difficult situation?!"

What I learned is that I am sometimes guided into difficult situations - perhaps to expose and heal an old wound, or to learn something valuable. Some guidance can only be understood later - sometimes much later - when you have the perspective to see how the situation was perfect for you.

With experience, you will learn to trust your guidance, and be grateful for any experience it brings.

Tip 6. Get help from a psychic or energy worker.

It always helps to spend time with people who have already learned what you're wanting to learn. Get a healing, get a reading - get help in whatever you feel guided to do. There's no need to learn on your own, when there are great people available to help you! :-)

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time to read this article! I hope it inspires you to a lifetime of great conversations with your Spirit Guides. I can imagine few things more powerful or comforting. Have fun!


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