Spirit Mind Living: What is our true nature?

Jeffrey Allen ❤️ Energy Healer and Guide
Spirit Mind Living: What is our true nature?

Only we can decide our true nature.

[abbreviated transcript below]

Sometimes I'm reminded that it's really up to us to decide what our true nature is, or to choose what it is. Regardless of how much I try to spread peace, love, and joy to the world, there are times when I do the opposite. 

Afterwards, as I notice "Oh, I've hurt the people I care about & I've caused pain," there is an urge to check-in with myself "Am I a good or a bad person?" 

My logical mind kicks in & wants to simplify things, thinking of all the reasons why this happened & justifying my actions. "Here's why I got triggered. Here's the pain I'm carrying that hasn't healed yet." In my defense "I'm not always obnoxious. Usually, I'm a good person." 

What I've learned is that having an inner dialogue is crucial in these times. None of us are perfect & holding myself to perfection is not reasonable or healthy.

So, what do we do in situations like these?

For me, I have to choose what my true nature is. When a challenging behavior arises, is that my true nature? Am I extremely volatile & difficult? Or am I, by my true nature, a good person? Like everyone else, I have pain that I am not able to deal with sometimes.

On the outside, I can't control how others perceive my true nature. If people decide, "He is a nice guy most of the time, but sometimes he's just a jerk, and I don't want to deal with that." then that's okay. 

For me, the question is, "Can I love myself despite my flaws? Can I hold that perspective within myself?"

Like everyone, I'm still a work in progress. I suspect that when I'm able to choose or recognize "Yes, I'm a good person" – if I'm able to truly feel that in my heart deeply – there's a good chance that self-love will override these behaviors. 

These outbursts may be coming because I'm not loving myself. No matter how much we try, whatever's inside tends to circulate outside, right? There's no way to hide our true feelings. We can do a good job most of the time, but eventually it's going to come out.

It brings me back to my original question which is, "What is my true nature?" I hope right now with me, you can also look inside and find that deep place within where you recognize that your true nature is love.

A New Awareness for a New You!

If you're ready for a new kind of awareness, I have just the thing for you. Hisami & I have created a new program, Awakening Your Spirit Mind, to help you find a remarkable new perspective in your life!

You'll discover how to step beyond your normal dramas, to operate outside your mind's doubts and worries and pain, to truly understand your life and act from love, even when life isn't going perfectly.

With a Spirit Mind awareness, you can live your life from fullness, in alignment with your true self. What could be better than that?


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