Discover How To Tap Into Your Energy To Get Answers, Heal Yourself, Attract Synchronicities, Raise Your Vibration… And Make An Impact On The World.
Join The Healer’s Healer Jeffrey Allen In This Program That Guides You Through The Most Amazingly Effective Energy Secrets To Rapidly Overcome Blocks In Your Everyday Life
I've teamed up with the incredible people at Mindvalley Academy to create Duality Energy Training. Duality takes all the insights and tools from my 20+ years of energy research and 10+ years of teaching live training programs, and delivers it in a whole new way!
With video lectures, real-world exercises, guided meditations, recorded Q&A sessions, and energy diagrams, Duality gives you a deep understanding of how your energy works AND how to use your energy in the “real world”.
This is an 8-week online home study course, specially designed for people who are passionate about using energy work to improve every area of their lives and eliminating energy blocks.
Whether you're interested in learning about Energy Healing, reaching your highest potential, or even impacting other people's lives, this program will empower you to transform your energy — so you can finally create the life you're meant to be living.
Author of Duality Energy Training
"Jeffrey, thank you so much for the Duality program. It has been a total game changer for me. The permission rose itself was worth the price of the entire program. Sending you and your family light, blessings and unconditional love!"
“Everything starts as energy – as an idea, inspiration or thought. To transfer this energy into the physical world, you need to be present in the physical world first.
Your body is your personal “here and now”. If you’re not present in your body, your impact in the world is weak – even if your mind & your ideas are strong.
If you feel perpetually behind, not fully effective, or impatient with your life, being more present is the answer.
As you become more present, you’ll feel calm & relaxed, clear & focused, with plenty of time and energy to make your ideas a reality. You can do less and get more tangible results.
This is the fastest way I know to be more powerful and effective in the world!” -Jeffrey Allen
To begin each module, Jeffrey guides you in meditation to connect with the other Duality students energetically – in the present, past, and future. Whether you’re listening as a group, or by yourself on your own schedule, this is a powerful way to deepen your learning experience.
Connecting with the group energy helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and keep moving forward even if you start to fade, identify & laugh at the common places we all get stuck, practice the visualizations you’ll use later for intuition & guides, and personally experience the evolution of the group energy.
Duality training is about energy awareness and self-healing. In this lesson, Jeffrey highlights the differences between your physical awareness and the energy awareness you’ll be developing. You’ll learn why energy healing is so important personally, and how healing yourself can create powerful change for your loved ones and the world.
Jeffrey also shares his five step strategy for systematically, reliably shifting your life out of pain & confusion and into awareness & coherency. Following these steps, you’ll learn how to release from lack, frustration, stuck-ness, pain & disease and embrace increased flow, abundance, happiness, joy, love and health!
Jeffrey helps you explore your body-spirit connection – which governs how powerfully you show up in the world. With visualization & meditation techniques, you’ll learn to balance your body & spirit, and ground your energy powerfully into your life.
As you increase your personal presence, you’ll feel more engaged, more effective, and more conscious and aware in your life. You’ll be able to do less and get more results.
Jeffrey shares examples of how personal presence improves your life – from increased sales, to resilience around stress, and even potentially saving your life!
Through a guided journey, you’ll travel deep into the Earth and anchor your spiritual energy into the physical world – strengthening your personal presence, so you feel calm & relaxed, clear & focused, with plenty of time and energy to make your ideas a reality.
To move from understanding into mastery, all you need is practice!
To make practice easy, Jeffrey has designed short simple exercises for each module. Think of this like your personal training workout for this set of energy muscles.
In each week's final lesson, Jeffrey shares the practice exercises, gives you tips for your practice, symptoms to watch out for, and answers questions from the group.
"Thank you Thank you Thank you....I LOVED your Duality course with MindValley--it has healed me in so many ways and abundance and health are starting to flow into my life. It is just what I needed at this point in my life....It's my "go to" resource...and I continue to go back to the sections I need over and over again whenever stress or a "growth period" are with me."
“The most common reason people don’t sense energy easily is that they are distracted by their internal noise. For many of us, this noise is ever-present, like an unconscious backdrop of thoughts, feelings & opinions.
Learning to listen to your noise helps you understand your bias and how it influences your relationships, your moods, and your decisions. Learning to turn down your noise allows you to hear the subtle energy signals which may have previously eluded you.
This is the beginning of your energy awareness – turning down the noise, so you can hear the true signals in your body, your relationship, and your life.
You’ll be surprised how easily you can hear your inner signals after finding your inner peace!” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
Jeffrey explores the differences between your mind and intuition and shares the benefits of using both. You’ll learn why it’s difficult to “tune in” at times, and techniques for improving your sensitivity.
Learning to balance your mind and intuition will improve your relationships, boost your creativity, and relieve unneeded stress in your life.
If you’re busy analyzing your thoughts, memories and beliefs, you’ll miss out on the subtle signals of energy which contains the very answers that you seek.
In this lesson, Jeffrey helps you identify your mental distractions, and guides you in meditation to clear these distractions and relax your mind. You’ll also learn why falling asleep during meditation can actually be a good thing!
Jeffrey shares visualization exercises for deepening your mental & intuitive clarity. You’ll learn how to observe your thoughts as well as 3 perspectives commonly used for astral projection, remote viewing, and psychic readings.
Through a guided journey, you’ll travel into your mind – for a deep cleaning of your unconscious distractions and an experiential journey in to the ever present information of the Akashic records.
Jeffrey shares this week's practice exercises, to help you integrate the teaching into your daily life. You'll learn tips for deepening your practice and symptoms to watch out for this week.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to practice & apply everything you've learned.
"I am so moved by today’s class—everything just became so uncomplicated and clear. All the lines seemed to fall into place—there is so much peace and clarity from the learnings today—it answered questions I felt I have had in me since I was little. I always felt that my hotspots showed my me passions and now I realize that when I release my hotspots – there will be this beautiful space for my REAL passions to come forth. Truly life changing Jeffrey Allen—I quite honestly feel a peace I have never felt before…."
“Life requires energy – for your body, your brain, and everything you create in your life.
The more powerfully you show up in the world, the more energy you will use. And the more energy you have, the more impact you can achieve. Fortunately, there is an infinite amount of universal energy you can tap into!
Learning to tap this energy can make the difference between burning yourself out and shining yourself brightly. There is no need to feel depleted, congested, or stuck. Simply turn up the juice and let your energy body clear and heal itself.
Working consciously with your energy is also a great way to improve your creativity & productivity. And, you can use it to heal others as well!” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
Jeffrey describes the #1 reason why we struggle with healing and personal growth, and how this struggle can lead to physical illness and wreaks havoc on our relationships as well. You’ll then learn a 5-step process for gracefully handling even the most difficult growth periods in your life.
Jeffrey teaches about your body’s main energy channels which provide “energy nutrition”, carry away your “energy waste”, and strongly impact your overall health, longevity, and vitality. You’ll learn where each energy channel is, how it functions, and you’ll practice using activating and using them in a guided meditation.
Staying healthy is great, but what do you do if you’re already sick?
In this lesson, Jeffrey guides you through the steps to activate your personal healing energy. You’ll learn how to use this energy to heal your body, and get great tips for combining energy healing with traditional medicine and procedures.
Jeffrey leads you on a guided journey to deepen your healing powers. You’ll discover and fine-tune your personal source of Earth and Cosmic energy. You’ll also visit the Earth’s healing grid and strengthen your healing connection to the planet.
Jeffrey shares this week's practice exercises, to help you integrate the teaching into your daily life. You'll learn tips for deepening your practice and symptoms to watch out for this week.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to practice & apply everything you've learned.
"I’m getting closer to the end of the lectures. And I find myself sad because I don’t want the teachings of Jeffrey to end! I’m so completely engaged by the way he has taught this course. With so much information he’s made it fun and full of life. Absolutely amazing teacher. The best I’ve ever had."
“Empathy is one of the most interesting and misunderstood areas of our intuition.
From an energy perspective, we are constantly emerged in a sea of thoughts, ideas, emotions, and feelings from others. Yet, just like fish in the sea, we are often completely unaware of the water we swim in and how much it affects us.
Have ever felt overwhelmed or angry in crowded places? Do you get easily distracted or influenced by others? Or affected by other people’s emotions and moods?
Or maybe the opposite it true – you come off as insensitive to others, even though you don’t mean to. These are all symptoms of unconscious empathy and unclear personal boundaries.
When your personal space is a good match for yourself, people around you, and the place you’re in, you feel comfortable, engaged and present. You feel natural – like you can be yourself.
Personal boundaries give you an untapped freedom – an amazing ability to disconnect from thoughts, feelings, and even physical pain that doesn’t actually belong to you!” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
Jeffrey describes how the energy of emotions, desires, and dramas can flow from person to person empathically. When you have poor boundaries, this empathic flow can make your life feel overwhelming, out-of-control, and full of endless drama.
This common problem often leads to frustrating, unwanted experiences, distracts your from your own priorities, and ultimately keep you from living the life of your dreams.
Jeffrey teaches you how to adjust your aura to create stronger boundaries, to shift your perspective & sensitivity, to increase focus or relaxation. You’ll also learn a meditation for finding that perfect balance between understanding others and fully respecting yourself.
It’s easy at times to blame those around us and to feel like life it happening to us – against our will. In this lesson, Jeffrey teaches how to shift from blame and lack of confidence into “seniority” – that deep knowingness that you create your own reality.
You’ll learn how to deal with anger in a healthy way, and practice a meditation for gracefully and effectively clearing other people and energy from your space.
Jeffrey shares a powerful tool for automatically maintaining healthy boundaries – keeping you from absorbing other people’s energy while still staying sensitive enough for great communication and deep understanding.
In a guided journey, you’ll practice using this technique to shift from a rigid & protective stance of scarcity into to a graceful & easy stance of abundance.
Jeffrey shares this week's practice exercises, to help you integrate the teaching into your daily life. You'll learn tips for deepening your practice and symptoms to watch out for this week.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to practice & apply everything you've learned.
"A thousand thank yous Jeffrey – they can’t express the immense gratitude I feel for this life changing course. Now I don’t just hope things will get better, I know they already are! I look forward to your next course and will be signing up without hesitation! In the meantime I am enjoying putting into practice all the tools and enjoying developing my energy skills until I hope, one day, I will be as wise and adept as you at seeing and using the energy! Bless you – you are an unique and awe inspiring soul that has put the sunshine back into my life. With lots of love and gratitude to you and your family xxx"
“Your Chakras are your personal orchestra for energy. They work as both speakers and microphones – broadcasting your unique energy to the world, and listening to the energy of others.
When they are functioning well, your interaction with the world is a beautiful dance of energy – listening, matching, changing, and communicating with grace and ease. If your chakras are congested or blocked, your dance may feel less graceful, or even clumsy. If they are consistently blocked, your physical health may even be affected.
Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to clear, heal, and balance your chakras. With practice, you will learn to adjust your chakras when needed, to heal yourself, and to dance more gracefully with the world.
Your chakras also communicate with other people, and your “chakra language” can say as much about you as your “body language”. Are you open to new ideas? Are you connected and listening or aloof? Are you needy or self reliant?
Consciously managing your chakra language is a great way to connect more deeply with others and feel great when you are alone.” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
It’s so easy to get stuck in the same patterns in our life. Maybe your relationships start great but always end in the same difficult way. Or perhaps you have fantastic ideas, but never seem to quite manifest them fully. This can be so frustrating!
In this lesson, Jeffrey describes what’s happening energetically behind these patterns, why it’s been so hard for you to change them, and how you can do things differently!
Jeffrey teaches about the chakras, not from an esoteric perspective, but from a functional perspective. What do your chakras do? What do they look like? How to they work? How can you clean & adjust your chakras to break old patterns, create new patterns, and restore harmony to your life? How can you adjust your chakras for specific situations – like curing insomnia or lifting heavy weights?
In a guided meditation, you’ll practice visualization techniques for identifying and clearing your own energy blocks as well as any unhealthy chakra connections you have with others.
Every time you meet someone, your chakras are talking! If you don’t understand this talk, you might come across as self-centered & aloof or lonely & insecure.
When you understand chakra talk, you can connect more easily with people, feel more comfortable in groups and by yourself, reduce miscommunication & misunderstanding, be less dependent or needy, and even redirect unwanted advances and finish conversations gracefully.
You’ll discover your chakra talk patterns & practice changing them with a guided visualization.
Successfully manifesting a great idea requires healthy energy flow in each of your chakras. Are you lacking ideas? Having trouble organizing, communicating, or manifesting your ideas? Perhaps you struggle to take action or following through? Or maybe you run out of steam before you finish or you can’t quite get your finished project to sustainability.
Each of these problems relates to blockage in a specific chakra. In this lesson, Jeffrey guides you on a journey to discover & clear the blocks which are stopping you from manifesting your dreams.
Jeffrey shares this week's practice exercises, to help you integrate the teaching into your daily life. You'll learn tips for deepening your practice and symptoms to watch out for this week.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to practice & apply everything you've learned.
"Your work has come into my life like a cool breeze in the middle of a hot day. Your calm energy and in depth knowledge is giving me practices I can do everyday to work with my energy. I know I have needed this training for years and it is amazing to finally get it. THANK YOU for all you do."
“How we see the world and how people see us is strongly shaped by our beliefs. We have beliefs about ourself, about other people, about love, money, emotions, and relationships.
Most of the time, we assume our beliefs are true – like unchanging facts about the world. From an energy perspective, however, nothing could be further from the truth.
Every time you learn something, new beliefs are created and old beliefs are removed. Yet the feeling that your current beliefs are true remains intact.
That’s pretty funny if you think about it. Your old beliefs were true, then you changed them, and now your new beliefs are true…. at least until you change them again… and decide something else is true.
This works because the world is responding to your beliefs. Whatever you think is true actually is more true for you while you hold that belief.
This is great when are beliefs are serving you, but it can be frustrating when they are not. This is especially true with our first impressions and reputation – our beliefs that everyone is reading – even if we don’t want them to.
When you understand how beliefs work energetically, you can start whittling away at your old patterns, clean up your presentation to others, and create new experiences in all areas of your life!
” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
Jeffrey provides a deep exploration of where & why energy gets stuck, and how this influences your core beliefs, your hot buttons, your filters & expectations, and even your reputation.
You’ll learn the benefits & dangers of your mental models, and take a look at your own stuck energy in a guided meditation exercise.
Strong beliefs and hot buttons can create conflict & strife in our lives. We argue or blow up at friends, creating needless difficulty for ourselves and others.
In this lesson, Jeffrey presents strategies for softening your beliefs and disabling your hot buttons, so you can live a happier life with others.
Jeffrey describes how to use your energy tools for clearing your unwanted beliefs, turning down your judgments, and finding your hot buttons. You’ll learn how to increasing your neutrality and fill up with amusement and positive new life force!
You’ll practice clearing your unwanted beliefs in a powerful guided meditation.
Are you happy with your reputation? Would you like to give a different first impression? In this lesson, Jeffrey shares where your reputation comes from and how it’s stored in your energy. Through guided meditation, you’ll clean your reputation and see powerful results in your life.
Jeffrey also explores the power of positive beliefs, how to create them energetically, and how they can help you beat real-world difficulties like stage fright.
Jeffrey shares this week's practice exercises, to help you integrate the teaching into your daily life. You'll learn tips for deepening your practice and symptoms to watch out for this week.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to practice & apply everything you've learned.
"Duality for me has been so much more than a class. It marked the beginning of a new time in my life, one that opened me up to new insights, opportunities, and ways of experiencing the world. Duality helped me to discover parts of myself that I had forgotten, and live life in a way that I had been longing to find for seemingly forever. Thank you, dear Jeffrey, for all you did to help this happen, and thank you, amazing Duality group, for sharing your love and support throughout this journey."
“Your intuition is your gateway into the world of energy – a powerful sense for understanding your past, present, and future. While we all have intuition, few people learn to use it consciously.
With practice, you can learn to see, hear, feel energy. That “gut feeling” which guides you can become a clear consistent signal which guides you in your life. When fully engaged, there is no limit to what your intuition can tell you.
When you can sense which direction energy is flowing naturally, you can align your decisions with that flow.
When our decisions are aligned with flow, synchronicity abounds, and our outcomes come easily. When not aligned, we can work like crazy and still get little done.
Regardless of decision you are facing, there is always opportunity to find the easiest path, to align with the existing flow, and create synchronicity and abundance in your life!
You already have the most powerful guidance system imaginable! Isn’t it time you learned to use it?” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
Jeffrey shares his perspective on the true nature of intuition – as a natural extension of our bodily senses instead of something separate and fleeting. From this perspective, you’ll see how you can transcend time and space and begin sensing the world on a much deeper level.
You may be surprised that you’re already using your intuition much more than you think!
Jeffrey explores the main styles of intuition – from clairvoyance to claircognizance – as well as the common blocks which impede your intuition. You’ll learn how to adjust your energy to create increased focus and sensitivity, how to gauge when you are making things up, and how to tap into your inner seeing.
The easiest path to abundance is the path of synchronicity – where the events in your life align with amazing ease. In this lesson, Jeffrey shares powerful visualizations for choosing that easy path and determining the best timing for success.
In a guided journey, you’ll practice each technique, and get clarity on your next steps right now!
Jeffrey shares this week's practice exercises, to help you integrate the teaching into your daily life. You'll learn tips for deepening your practice and symptoms to watch out for this week.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to practice & apply everything you've learned.
"Jeffery, thank you so much for creating this program and sharing this knowledge with us. I found it easy to follow you and to understand the messages you were delivery. The practical applications were excellent and my life has definitely been transformed by learning and applying the knowledge that you have shared with us. You are an excellent teacher. Wishing you an abundance of love, joy and all good in your life. Thank you again. Namaste."
“There’s so much more happening beyond your physical and energy bodies!
What if there was a place you could go to find answers to all your questions, insights into all your curiosities, and guidance in all your endeavors.
Some people call this place their inspiration, imagination or muse. Some people call it their ancestors, angels, higher self, spirit guides, or God. Regardless of beliefs, everyone has the ability to tap into the infinite source of energy, inspiration, guidance, and wisdom.
One of the easiest ways to connect is through visualization and conversation.
If you can imagine a Master, a Guide, or an Expert for your situation, what would they look like? What would tell you?
If you could experience yourself from a higher perspective – with all the wisdom and love from many lifetimes, what would you feel like? What advice would you give yourself?
Tuning into this higher awareness gives us fantastic guidance, but also a sense of peace and ease – that everything is happening just perfectly, that there’s a bigger plan which is playing out beautifully!” -Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey guides you in meditation to re-connect with the other Duality students energetically. This powerful group connection helps you move more quickly & gracefully through your personal growth, leverage the breakthroughs and “Ah ha” moments from others, and stay motivated and engaged. You can also connect directly with Duality students in the private Duality facebook group.
When we focus only on the physical world, we quickly get caught up in life’s struggle and drama. We feel stuck in time and space, bound by our situation and beliefs.
In this lesson, Jeffrey guides you on a journey to your higher self – the part of you which lives beyond the body & this life, is in tune with your higher wisdom, and understands the bigger picture of your existence as a spirit.
You’ll begin integrating your higher self into your daily awareness – allowing you to find more meaning, higher purpose, and more empowerment in your life!
Imagine you had a life time subscription to most insightful life coaches ever – on call 24 hours a day to help you with your life. How would this shift your life? Would you feel overwhelmed & worried or trusting & excited about your future?
In this lesson, Jeffrey shares who are your spirit guides, where do they come from, and how do they connect with you. In a guided meditation, you’ll tune in to the amazing support system that is always present for you.
Jeffrey shares his experience of over a decade of talking with his spirit guides. You’ll learn the clues for seeing the presence of your guides in your everyday life – as they gently guide you through unexpected signs, situations, and messages.
In a guided meditation, you’ll practice finding and connecting your guides, and even talking to them in conversation. This method is a powerful recipe for strengthening your connection with your ever-present team of guides!
Jeffrey shares exercises for practicing your higher awareness and connection to your spirit guides. The class finishes with a few tips for continuing your spiritual journey and a meditation for sending the powerful Duality group energy into the world!
With Duality Energy Training you'll learn to...
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