Discover Your Energy Today

"Movie of Your Life" Visualization


I am sharing with you one of my favorite exercises - The Movie of Your Life.

In this guided visualization you will:

  • Identify the biggest challenge you're having right now.
  • Look at how your future will be when you overcome it.

I invite you relax for the next 7 minutes as I guide you through the movie of your life.

To continue your journey into energy work, I invite you to view my free 1-hour masterclass below.

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Helping Important Conversations Go Smoothly


Renowned energy healer, Jeffrey Allen, explains how you can prepare yourself "energetically" before conversations to make sure they go smoothly.

Conversations can be tricky!

Once you’ve spoken out loud, it’s too late to make changes. Impressions are formed and the conversation is moving in a particular direction - whether it’s the direction you intended or not.

Wouldn’t it be great to test the waters BEFORE you talk - to find out how someone may respond, to rehearse your delivery, and to make the actual conversation more graceful?

In the video above, I’ll share with you my favorite exercise for communicating energetically before important conversations - so you can get through them more easily & effectively.

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Access Your Hidden Energy To Live The Life Of Your Dreams


In this video, energy healer and spiritual teacher, Jeffrey Allen, explains how consciously managing energy can help you overcome major blocks and achieve your dreams.

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How to Use Your Inner Guidance


What's the most powerful tool you have for guiding your life and making decisions?

You might think it's your mind, but it's actually your intuition.

While your mind is amazing at planning how to get to from A to B, your intuition is how you understand where you are now and find where you want to go. Your intuition gives you an A and a B, so your mind has a clear direction.

Today, I'm sharing a fun relaxing journey with you to help strengthen your ability to make choices with your intuition. You can use it as often as you want to connect with your guidance and receive new information.

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5 Simple Tips To Overcome Your Spiritual Growth Roadblocks


Do you feel stuck in your spiritual growth? You're not alone! We all get stuck along the way.

I love to help, so I'm sharing my 5 biggest tips for overcoming roadblocks to spiritual growth!

These energy techniques will help you get unstuck and back in the fast lane, whether you’re in a structured training program or learning on your own!

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The Power Of Your Thoughts: What Are You Telling And Selling The World?

Jeffrey Allen ❤️ Energy Healer and Guide
The Power Of Your Thoughts: What Are You Telling And Selling The World?


I want to share with you a really powerful insight into how we communicate with each other.

  • And I don't mean our conscious communication through writing or speaking, but rather our energetic communication; what we're sending to each other all the time, even though we're unconscious about it energetically.

If you understand this insight, I promise you can avoid countless hours of frustrating, confusing, and needless conversations with people. It's really powerful – this single insight has made a gigantic difference in my life.

If you want to follow along, you'll find a transcript of the talk below. Enjoy!

"Hi everyone! I'm Jeffrey Allen, and I want to share with you a really powerful insight into how we communicate with each other.

And I don't mean our conscious communication through writing or speaking, but rather our energetic communication – what we're sending to each other all the time energetically, even though we're unconscious about it.

If you understand...

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How To Clear Mental Clutter With Sacred Geometry


An engineer turned Energy Healer, Jeffrey Allen sits down with fellow engineer, Vishen Lakhiani to explain Energy Work and how to use energy to remove obstacles in life.

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Releasing your Biggest Blocks


I am excited to share with you a powerful meditation for tuning into your energy and letting go of internal blocks. Releasing your energy blocks will help you:

  • Enjoy a life filled with abundance, passion and success
  • More easily access your intuition
  • Trust yourself to make the right choices for you
  • Experience more positive states like happiness, gratitude, love and joy
  • Magnetize and manifest more experiences to feel grateful for
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How To Connect & Disconnect From People Using Energy


Jeffrey Allen, Energy Healer and Author of the Duality Training Program, teaches how to use and manage our energy with people. In this excerpt from his talk, filmed at A-Fest, Jeffrey demonstrates how we can use our energy to connect deeper in conversations and get more fulfillment out of our daily interactions.

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How To Attract Exactly Who You Need


Jeffrey Allen, Energy Healer and Author of the Duality Training Program, teaches a technique to call and connect with whoever are needing right now. In this excerpt from his talk, filmed at A-Fest, Croatia 2015, Jeffrey explains how this technique works across any area of life and is a powerful energetic short-cut to connecting!

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Increase Your Energy Today

In just a few minutes each day, you can make real changes in your life.  In Jeffrey's 7-day Energy Starter Kit, you'll learn his Top 7 Tools for Energy Awareness to help you:

✓ Focus your Attention
✓ Increase your Creativity
✓ Build Powerful Presence
✓ Improve your Boundaries
✓ Change your Emotions
✓ Maintain your Own Space
✓ Connect More Deeply with Others